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Voices from the Good Earth

In another joint project, my brother, Adam and I, were sponsored by the International Fund for Agricultural Development, (IFAD) to produce a series of sculptures for the CBD COP13 in Cancun, Mexico Drawing attention to the impact that climate change and food security is having on small-holder farmers and rural communities in developing countries we unveiled four giant heads – Voices from the Good Earth - sculpted from local fruit and vegetables. The sculptures are displayed in small freezers with heated glass doors, kindly lent to us by Ojeda.

Silas and Adam Birtwistle

Agriculture is one of the four main themes at COP13. During COP 13, about ten thousand participants, including representatives of the countries parties, observer countries, international organizations and others interested will meet in Cancun to negotiate agreements and commitments that give impulse to the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity as well as the implementation of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 and the Aichi Targets.

Head sculpture
Head sculpture
Head sculpture
Head Sculpture
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